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How To Evaluate If You Need A Freezer and What Size Is Best For Your Manufacturing Business
As the owner or manager of an industrial plant, you have many important decisions that rest on your shoulders each day. One of these may be evaluating the machinery or equipment that would be best for your plant. Since you want to select a freezer that meets your needs but is also able to be purchased at a price that’s within your budget, it’s not a decision to be taken lightly. To do a proper evaluation and make the best decision, here are some factors to keep in mind.
What Are You Manufacturing?
Depending on the products that your plan is producing, you may feel that it is obvious whether or not a freezer is necessary. For example, if you manufacture cardboard boxes or materials that don’t require refrigeration, then you probably don’t need a freezer. Likewise, if you are manufacturing food that will be delivered to grocery stores, then a freezer may be obvious. However, if you are manufacturing products that take multiple steps that would be faster if a freezer was involved, then you have to consider the speed to the cost of space needed for the freezer.
Do You Have Partners that Need a Freezer?
Sometimes, you may be managing a manufacturing plant that services multiple partners. If you want to expand the products that you produce or prepare, then you may be wondering if you should get a freezer in anticipation of a new partner. There are pros to having a freezer because you can pitch potential partners and showcase that they can immediately start using your plant since you already have a freezer. However, you risk installing a freezer and wasting space in your plant without a partner to use it or need it. You can pitch companies with your expertise and experience manufacturing with a clear timeline of the freezer installation for when you can start providing the service to those potential customers. This tends to work better than risking purchasing a freezer with anticipation because partners typically have a period of transition needed with their previous manufacturer contract.
Will it Have Enough Storage?
When looking at potential freezers for your plant, always check to see if they will have sufficient storage space. Not only should they have enough storage to meet your current needs, but also enough room to meet storage capacity in the years ahead. This is not only about the storage space in the freezer itself, it is also important to consider the space it will take in your plan and whether or not you can use that space. Ideally, your plant is set up in a way where every square foot is making you money. So if you have space that is being wasted, then consider replacing that space with equipment like a freezer. This is not to say, however, that your worker’s break room should be replaced with manufacturing equipment, for example. That space for your workers can help with attrition, which is a money maker. This means that you need to be careful not to replace space that seems like it isn’t making money when it is in fact making you money, or at least, saving you significant funds.
Buying a New or Used Freezer?
While you may assume you need a new freezer for your plant, that may not be necessary. Once you start looking around at what’s available, you may find a used stainless steel three-door commercial freezer that’s in great condition, has enough storage space and is being offered at a price you can afford. When considering the cost of buying new or used, consider whether or not it needs repairs or if it has a warranty still associated with it. For example, you may save a lot of money buying used, but if it requires repairs before getting started, consider the cost of those repairs as part of the price of actually purchasing the freezer.
Does it Offer Easy Access?
Since you and others will be using this freezer very often, always check to make sure it will offer easy access when both storing and retrieving items. This is heavily dependent on the layout of your plant. If you plan on putting it in a corner, consider what way the doors need to open and close. Also, consider what you will need to do to make repairs if something happens to it. If you need to be able to access the back of it for repairs, consider placing it somewhere that isn’t enclosed on all sides. This is important since if it fails to be easily accessible, this could mean you or others at the plant may be forced to do much more heavy lifting than would otherwise be necessary to store items in the freezer.
Compatible with the Power Source
Depending on the type of freezer you buy, always check to see that it will be compatible with your existing power source. Due to the variations among freezers in terms of temperatures, size, and height, all of these could play a factor in the power source your freezer will require. To avoid needing additional electrical work being done to get new wiring in place, do your homework before buying a new freezer for your plant.
Since you will want a freezer for your plant that will be cost-efficient, energy-efficient, and be safe and easy for you and others to use, keep these tips in mind when looking over potential models. By doing so, you’ll make a smart purchasing decision that will benefit your plant’s bottom line.