
WordPress vs. HTML – What Is Best For Your Small Business
In 2016, every business needs a well-designed website. The standard way of doing so is through HTML, but a lot of people with little or no experience in these matters prefer working in WordPress. Apart from being easy to use, it brings other numerous benefits. However, HTML is not to be underestimated, either. So the real question here is which one suits small businesses the best. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of both of these systems.
What are WordPress and HTML?
HTML stands as an acronym for Hypertext Markup Language and it is a standardized system for managing internet pages. Through it, you can control their font, color, graphic and even different hyperlink effects. The main trait of HTML is that it is manipulated through a simple coding language, where you write in the lines which alter the page. Even though it may seem complicated, after a simple HTML introduction, even a complete layman in computer languages will be able to setup a page this way.
Unfortunately, a lot of people start panicking at the very mention of the word coding. This usually inspires them to look for an easier alternative such as WordPress. Unlike in HTML, this content management system allows its users to setup pages from the admin area. For this very reason, over 26 percent of all websites are made in this particular CMS. Last, but not the least important, WordPress.org and WordPress.com are two completely different things. The first one is an open source CMS, while the latter one is a blog hosting service.
Learning Curve
The first comparable feature between these two systems is the learning curve. True, the basics of WP are easier to get a grasp on, but mastering the platform can be quite challenging. With HTML, it’s the other way around. Once you learn the basics, you will have little to no surprises along the way. This perhaps goes a bit in favor of HTML.
The next thing that sets them apart is the versatility. Namely, the popularity of WP is mainly owed due to its numerous plugins and extra features. Making a store on your website or installing a WordPress event ticket system plugin takes no more than a few minutes. On the other hand, to do the same in HTML, you would have to hire a designer and, even then, it might take quite a while until you have something similar.
Cost and Maintenance
Seeing how we already mentioned that adding extra features on your HTML page requires you hiring a professional, it is obviously pricier than WP. Furthermore, WP comes with some free themes, plugins and templates, thus giving you a lot of maneuvering space where your budget is concerned. When it comes to maintenance, HTML stands victorious, since once you are done “writing” the page, you no longer need to polish it in order for it to remain functional. On the other hand, with WP, there are always some plugins and themes that will have to be updated. Still, you can choose to pay for hosting and have someone else care about this for you.
Finally, when you ask a question which one is better for a small business, the answer you get is quite subjective. If you have no time to do regular website maintenance, work on little to no budget and need something simple for your website, HTML is the right choice for you. However, if you want something that will allow you to add new features to the website as your business grows, then you should opt for WP. As for the price of having a business website in WP, it mostly depends on your business’ needs.