Tips To Create A Subscription Based Premium Content
If you are looking to make money online, it’s time to a launch a website with premium content that can be accessed by the visitors albeit at a price. Memberpress widget will help to create web pages with news, blogs and videos that could be accessed on a fly. With the help of the application, you can sell the contents in a secured manner without the issue of piracy and plagiarism. There are certain guidelines that could be followed to deliver the best quality output.
Creating the Web Pages:
It is important to use Memberpress application in assigning the price of each news feed or product. Visitors will have extreme clarity while they are accessing the content based on their requirements. You might also like to specify the type of buyers for whom the content would be more suitable.
To start with, change the configuration of the page so that the users do not need to search for the product registration form. It will go a long way in making the whole process easy and hassle free. After landing at the page, visitors would be able to register their account on a fly and purchase the product.
Memberpress Plug-in makes the whole process of going to the pay pal page redundant as it provides the facility of payment gateway right on the product registration web page. Therefore, you do not need to go through various hoops to buy the favorite EBOOK or video content.
To make the page more interesting and secure, search for the choices under the options offered by the widget. The menu item will provide a range of alternatives that could be selected based on the preferences.
Downloading the application is a perfect decision for the website owners because they can use it to promote their business in different ways. For instance, it is possible to create new coupons, control the frequency of their usage and fix their expiry dates. Even you can also decide as to what percentage of discounts would be available to the buyers if they use the coupons. The automatically generated coupon code can be customized using the power of the Plug-in
Another important step to create subscription based content is to segregate the products into different groups. It is a very important strategy that would help to create upgrade paths along with dynamic pricing pages. Users can exercise flexibility while creating multiple product lines on the site.
Although subscription contents are created, it is important to track the performance analyzing their long term popularity among the visitors. Since the widget is completely integrated with the third party payment gateways, the information can be captured to generate report on a regular basis. It will help the website owners to target the content which is not generating enough revenue. You can also obtain information when the subscription is cancelled or the money is refunded to the purchaser.
One must make sure that members are greeted with a log-in page wherein they would be able to get authenticated and also edit information if required.