
The Top 5 Software For Integrated Social Media Marketing
With every new day passing away, most of the marketing companies, especially, the social media ones, find new challenges in order to raise their efficiency and volume levels. In order to gain an efficient level to manage your social media marketing operations, you need to adopt certain smarter tools and solutions. These solutions feature some brilliant software solutions that help you to integrate your social media marketing functions in order to save your time and efforts. Some of these software tools would cost you nothing, however, some others may cost you an amount that you need to ascertain based on your requirements and budget.
Let us explore some of the basic software for integrated social media marketing, which would facilitate you or your client’s social media marketing operations:
1. HootSuite: You can improve your social media management using HootSuite. This software provides you with a Social Media Management Dashboard, which would help you to manage multiple profiles and networks besides measuring your campaign results. The integrated social media marketing software enables you to send messages across to most of the social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn. You should not use this software in case you need indepth Analytics, although, this software also provides Analytics, but you have to pay to avail that. The software will cost you for free, however, you have to pay $10/mo for Pro version.
2. Sprout Social: Sprout Social, a renowned integrated social media marketing software, helps your business to locate new customers besides increasing social media presence of your clients. The software tool can be prescribed as a leading source to facilitate the CRM of your clients. Enabling the best social media analytics, the software assists you to view and analyze all social media profiles of your clients. Moreover, the software is capable to integrate Google Analytics, however, as yet it cannot be used for marketing Google Plus. The professional social media marketing agencies can make best use of Sprout Social. The Sprout Social would cost you about $39/mo onwards.
3. WildFire: Taken over by Google in 2012, WildFire is known as one of the simplest software for integrated social media marketing, which extends multiple benefits to your businesses. You can sync your messages, pages, promotions, advertisements, monitoring, analytics and many other functions using WildFire. The two platforms provided by WildFire include ‘Social Media Suite’ and ‘Promotional Builder’. The Promotial Builder platform is well-capable of handling Signup forms, sweepstakes, quizzes, contests, coupons and other such promotional campaigns. The software is claimed as a ‘Complete Enterprise Social Media Marketing Software’. The software is optimized for big marketeers. The Promotional Builder version of software would cost you around $35/mo onwards.
4. Spredfast: Known as Enterprise Social Media Software, Spreadfast is the perfect solution for big enterprises and social media marketing companies. The professional social media marketing companies and big business houses are the most benefitted users of Spredfast. The tool does not yet support the Google Plus. The high cost proves this software tool unusual for smaller companies. The software tool would cost you somewhere between $12,000/yr and $1 million/yr.
5. SalesForce Marketing Cloud: Another proven software for integrated social media marketing is Marketing Cloud from SalesForce. The software offers you an array of services that facilitate your social CRM, social media engagement, monitoing, and promotion. Developed by SalesForce, this software imparts maximum skills and efficiency for professional social media marketing agencies and big businesses. If you are already using SalesForce then this software gives you maximum utility. However, it cannot be integrated with SalesForce. The software costs you about 5,000/mo.
There are plenty of other software for integrated social media marketing, but those mentioned above are some of the most common integrated social media marketing software tools that impart greater utility to social media marketers.