
The Pros and Cons To Bundling Your Services
Today, well over one million Australians have broadband internet access in their home, and it is used weekly by 90% of the total population. We are amongst the highest users of mobile phones globally with 97% of us using them and, according to the same report produced by the Enhanced Media Metrics Australia (EMMA), 72% of Australians have even gone so far as to say that they would not leave home without it.
We are using technology more than ever, and it has become an integral part of our daily lives. The only problem which we all face, of course, are the mounting expenses to access and keep up with it all. One of the best ways to keep costs low can be to bundle your mobile, internet, television, and other services into a package deal through a single provider. But is that always the best way to save?
The Benefits of Bundling
Bundling all of your services with one provider is certainly more convenient than dealing with two or more different service companies. Users receive one bill each and every month, and that bill is lower than it otherwise would be if you had paid for each service separately.
Another key advantage is that you only need to contact one company for help. Whether it is a billing inquiry or a technical issue, there is only one phone number you need to know.
When Bundling May Not Be For You
Bundling may not be the best deal for everyone. If all that you need is a mobile device and Internet, most bundling packages will not be worth your while. However, if you enjoy watching cable television and make numerous long distance calls, on top of needing a mobile plan and the Internet, bundling will almost always lead to savings.
The primary disadvantage to bundling is that it will be more difficult for you to change carriers if you are not satisfied with the quality of service you are receiving. Because of the challenges involved with changing carriers, users often stay with an inferior service provider for months or years, waiting for the contract to run out, rather than make a switch.
The best thing you can do to protect yourself is research the provider. For example, if you are considering one of the competitive bundling packages from SpinTel, read a SpinTel review online and discuss with a customer service agent any questions or concerns you may have.
How to Decide Whether Or Not to Bundle
If you are still on the fence about bundling your services, consider what services you have used over the past three months. Heavy service users should almost always bundle. As an added benefit, bundling often comes with promotional deals and bonuses that can help you save even more. If you do not use a lot of the services included in a bundled package, then it would not make sense to purchase that package.
Contact the provider and tell them what you want out of their services. You may be surprised by what packages they can offer you, whether or not you choose to bundle.