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Tech Upgrades that Boost Your Home’s Security
In this take, take, take the world, you can’t help but want to make sure your loved ones and all your prized possessions are locked up and safe whenever you decide to leave for a hard day’s work or if you decide you want to take a vacation away with friends. There are now more ways than ever to keep your home safe and secure before, during and after an attempt on your property occurs.
These smart home technologies are so well sought after that they even increase the value of your property. At the same time, it’s becoming more and more prevalent that upgrading your home technology has the greatest financial impact on your space.
If we have caught your attention already, we invite you to read on and consider getting one or all of these smart home technologies to keep your home safe and secure in 2024.
Why Is House Security Crucial?
While most of this can go without saying, it’s crucial for everyone, no matter if you live in a city, a village or out in the country. There’s always the chance of not knowing or predicting other people’s actions, and it just goes to show you can never be too safe personally, I agree and if I had the means to install physical upgrades, I would, because a chain lock as well as a second lock on your front door don’t always do the trick.
Household security now goes above and beyond alarm systems and neighbourhood watches but there are now physical security systems that are available to deter unwanted intruders from the get-go. This could include harder-to-breach doors, widows with blinds watford security shutters and porch lights that go off automatically. You are spoiled for choice when it comes to these security measures.
Let’s dive right into some of the options you have available to choose from.
Windows: The Eyes Of The House
They say that your windows are one of the most vulnerable parts of your home and can be an easy entry point for burglars. Whether you are leaving the smallest window open during a summer’s evening, this is the perfect scenario for them. There are things you can do to deter unwanted visitors from even considering entering your home. Start from the beginning and opt for laminated or tempered glass windows, this basically doubles the strength so you won’t need to be concerned about any breaking and entering.
If you want something a bit more techy, then consider getting some window security sensors in the most vulnerable areas of the home, these can trigger an alarm if any damage occurs. Windows are a blank canvas for people to look into your home so why not take advantage and stick on a security measures sign? This can let them know they are picking the wrong house.
Gates: You Are Not Welcome
A good way to deter unwanted guests is an electric or secure gate and in most cases, the taller the better. This makes it a lot harder for them to get in and out with half your jewellery and 2 of your TVs. Plus, it will definitely look very odd to your neighbours if they see a few fellas trying to climb over the remote control fence (or passcode). While these gates are not on the cheap side, there are ways you can save money, whether it’s metal, wood or height. Not to mention, they are worth the investment as they will add value to your home.
It doesn’t just stop at the gates; you need to make sure the surrounding fence is just as tall as the gate; otherwise, what is the point? I’ve seen a lot of homes have tall fences but to add those extra inches, you could add some vegetation of some sort or some anti-bulgary measures such as barbed wire if you want to show them you mean business.
Let’s not just stop there, let’s say they managed to get over the first hurdle but they want to head to the back. There is a reason why the side gate was invented and I think privacy was the second reason. Adding a super tall and quality side gate will be another deterrent and go the extra mile and add some metal spikes because, why not?
Ring Door Bell: I See You
Surely, we’ve all heard and wanted the hype of the ring doorbell so you watch yourself coming back from a night out but it also gives you that peace of mind that while you’ve left your home, you can keep a close eye on it from afar. If you are new to the concept of a ring doorbell, then we will explain. A ring doorbell has a sensor and when someone walks onto your front porch, it immediately turns on, sends an alert to your phone and clicks record. You can see your postman, friends and any unwanted guests approach your house with just a notification.
These ring doorbells have become increasingly popular and if all that wasn’t good enough, they even have a feature where you can talk through them. So if you see someone who shouldn’t be there, you can frighten them, tell them to buggar off and share the video with the local area to keep a close eye out for them.
Doors: Knock, Knock…Who’s There?
Another simple way to stay secure but add some value to your home is by updating your front door and installing a smart lock. While we encourage you to always remember your keys, this is one of the most sought-after smart home upgrades.
Smart locks seem to be super convenient for busy families and new homeowners, and you don’t have to worry about them much. These smart locks are basically like a two-for-one; they are connected to your alarm system and, more modernly, come with their own app. This way, you actually don’t need your keys if you don’t want to; you have the ability to lock and unlock them from your phone.
These smart door locks come with a handy rekey tool that allows you to rekey every single lock in your house without having to go through the effort of changing all the hardware. If you are a new homeowner looking to upgrade the existing security, we couldn’t recommend this option more, as you will have to change the locks anyway. Why not opt for smart locks instead and add some value early on?
Final Thoughts
When it comes to upgrading the technology in and around your home, in some cases, a little goes a long way. This doesn’t mean you need security shutters on every window but you will be surprised at how many times a small security measure has saved your home from being robbed. Whether you are a first-time homeowner, a family of four, or a university student, there will be people who will target your home no matter the circumstances; therefore, if you’ve got the means to add these security measures, there is no harm. If you don’t know where to start and need something quick we would suggest you get a ring doorbell,l as this embodies a few features that are very useful for the protection of your home and can help you keep an eye on things while everything else comes together.
We hope you found something useful in the article and are taking the necessary precautions to ensure you are living a safe and secure life at home.
Don’t be fooled that these tech upgrades are only suitable for home safety, as a lot of careers are in shops without shutters so security is always a top priority. Whether you are a tattoo artist or a hairdresser, all your belongings are valuable, from the tattoo cream all the way through to the equipment. You cannot afford to lose anything. Cameras, gates or even double doors are a huge step in the right direction for home and business security.