
Paying Bills Through Mobile Wallet
Bid adieu to days of standing in long serpentine queues for making utility bill payments. There is no need to go to the government run payment centres for collecting electricity, water, telephone, sewage and corporation taxes. In today’s time no one has the time to stand for hours in queue and make payment. With hectic work schedule, there is no scope to withstand such pressure. Making life easier for general public where they can make payments from their mobile and smart phones.
This new age mobile payment gateway is fast, simple and to top it all secured mode of payments. With mWallet, the ever plaguing problem of utility bill payments seems to have found a perfect solution once and for all. This fabulous interface allows users to make payments, instantly without missing the due date.
The tales of people being harassed and troubled while making payments at bill collection centres have been favourite discussion topic. Let’s not forget the inconvenience factor which people faced while standing in long queues, during arid summers or torrential rains. This has made life very easy and consumers are feeling relieved of the hassle and trouble.
Now, you can pay all the utility bills such as electricity bill, gas bill, telephone bill, Idea online recharge and sewerage bills from anywhere and anytime. Even homemakers and students can pay them without troubling their fathers or husbands, to make necessary payment. All that is needed to get the bank account linked to the mobile wallet application on your mobile handset. The other option is to deposit on mWallet account provided by the telecom service provider.
Worried or Apprehensive Regarding the Security of Payment:
mWallet, as a payment mode is far more secured than making online payment. Here, the transaction takes places via mobile phone and thus, it is secured. All the information is in your mobile and you get instant updates and follow up via telecom providers. The user can keep a track of the amount and payments made using this service.
The good news is that the upgraded next gen mWallet come with easy to put together feature that can be integrated with third party systems. It can also be used with any telecom service provider. The makes are committed to enable all partners to make available enhanced customer relationship as it has the possibility to alter the ways in which people pay their utility bills.
The additional features also allow users to take print out of the bills paid and amount deducted. This way, they can keep a track of all the transactions.
Major Concern Relating to this Payment Gateway
Given the demand and usage market is now flooded with several mobile wallet apps, it is increasingly becoming difficult to pick the best out of the lot. The main concern is not relating to generation of revenue but maintaining the bond between the customer and telecom service provider. Each telecom company wants to offer safe and secured mWallet option, so that they can sustain the interest and loyalty of the customer. This is true for those using mobile recharge facilities often due to increased usage.