Need Help Finding Talent For Your Organization In Singapore? Use An App
Technology is something that evolves constantly and it affects the way businesses make decisions or carry out operations. In order to remain relevant and visible, businesses, today, especially in Singapore, must learn to adopt technology or risk being phased out.
The lovely thing about technology is that it treats everyone the same and there is a solution for everything, even for hiring fresh talent.
Not too long ago, hiring new employees meant job advertisements and posting in newspapers. This would be followed by candidates sending in their applications/resumes. Communication would occur between both parties till a decision was made.
The process evolved over a decade or so. The Internet and the website made things a little easier. In fact, that was the time “digital recruitment” came into the limelight. Job vacancies were posted on forums or company websites, to which, applicants responded by e-mailing their resumes. This is something that continues even today.
Then came the social media wave, which caused rapid changes to take place in the hiring function. Things got much easier for both, recruiters and applicants. Social media recruitment is still a big deal.
Now, the hiring process has entered another phase, mobile technology. With mobile apps being the “in thing” now, recruitment is all set to evolve further.
We have entered a new age of mobile app recruitment. Organizations in Singapore, that have been in touch with the recent developments in technology and have adopted these changes, will find that they have an edge over others in reaching out to potential employees.
So, the question now is, how beneficial are apps with regard to the hiring function? Well, let us take a look.
To put it as simply as possible, apps just make things easy. They are not difficult to use at all. Hiring apps such as the one implemented by LinkedIn boast of an easy-to-use ‘User Interface’ and provide a fantastic user experience.
With the right app developer on your side, you would not have to bother about complexities. You can have an app designed that even the not so tech-friendly can make use of.
Plus, there is always room for improvement. Is there something in the app not meeting people’s expectations? No problem. Just send out an update to fix the bug/issue.
Many organizations feel that investing in an app is a waste of money. The truth is, they do not cost too much in the first place and if you have a good app, the returns on it will be worth far more than the initial investment. You can grab the right candidate way before your competitors do.
Statistics show that the modern employee is looking for jobs on his/her mobile device. An app can help you leverage this behavior towards the benefit of the organization. More importantly, ignoring the trend will put you out of business.
Time Saving
The hiring function entails a lot of tasks. Recruiters need to spend time and effort organizing career events, scheduling interviews, posting jobs, and narrowing down the list of prospective employees. Now imagine if all of this could be simplified in order to save time?
That is exactly what a hiring app can do for your organization. For instance, your recruiting team can use the app on the go and reach out to prospects without delay.
The app can even be used to post jobs on social media or your company website. In other words, the app can be used as a central point of action. There is no need to login into individual channels, which, will cut down on time and effort.
Apps and notifications go hand in hand. However, too many notifications can be annoying. Fortunately, you can fine-tune the notification function. By setting parameters, you can decide which notifications are the most important and which ones the app should ignore.
For instance, you can create notification parameters where the app will notify you about candidates that are worthier than the ones you have already looked at. By prioritizing the kind of notifications you receive, you can avoid the unnecessary.
To conclude, mobile apps are highly beneficial for the hiring function. All you need to do now is find someone who specializes in mobile app development in Singapore.