
How Blind Typing Makes Children Better At Language
Computers play an increasingly important role in everyday life. This also applies to elementary school children. Both at home and at school they get to make all so much at a young age with types, some parents wonder whether a type of course for their child is really necessary. But because all children are so busy with early computers, tablets and smartphones, touch typing is a useful skill to have mastered. Studies has shown that children who take a typing course at a young age, are generally better at language than their peers without typing course.
Research among primary school pupils
The study conducted among primary school students in grades 6, 7 and 8. One group was given up by their parents for a touch typing course, the other group did not. Before the class began, lead researcher showed the students various tests, a dictation and an essay on the computer, to determine their proficiency. After the course, the two groups had to do the same tasks again. It was found, not unexpectedly, that the children who had taken a typing course, could type on average three times faster and more accurate. But it also showed that the children were following the course fewer mistakes and create better written than their peers who had not followed a course. Thus did not blind TYPERS their; dictation average eight errors, which were blind TYPERS average six errors.
Development of language feeling
It is still not clear why children who can type blind are better in language, but probably it’s because they do not so much have to think about the placement of the keys. “Probably requires finding letters on the keyboard much mind for children without typing course. So much that they spend less brainpower to write or spell well. Another possibility is that children develop better language feeling the assignments in the course. By typing exercise every day, the students with a type of course are on average 10 minutes a day longer concerned with language than their peers.
Advantages of learn blind typing with dyslexia
Dyslexic students have difficulty with language, the lessons can therefore often unable to keep up, and experienced language as something that is not fun. Therefore remedial teachers also advise them to follow a course type, or adjusted dyslexics course. By being able to type quickly and blind children can using a laptop better track classes. The course provides a positive influence on their development of the letter and word image, the additional training of the types of spelling, interactive exercises and forming words over and over again by repeating letters. So the children have great difficulty with language by leaps and go forward, and they can even find it fun.
Learn blind typing in school
Researchers are keen to be spent on schools more attention to learning touch typing. So students can better develop their language skills, and they will adapt quickly to the high school.
Besides better sense of language, a course offering touch typing even more benefits. Thus, children learn at a young age a good posture and fingering, which later will be less prone to RSI. In addition, the children have to spend much less time on the drafting of texts, because they simply can type faster and better.
Learning to type is not part of the headline targets, the targets set by the government on the provision of knowledge and skills to provide primary schools. However, more and more schools that offer classes type yourself, either during or after class, because they see the importance of the above benefits. In addition, there are primary schools and in the government plenty of talk about 21st century skills. Moreover, there are some free typing lessons for beginners also available online. So there is a chance that this will be realized in the future. Until then it is at least advisable if the school your child offers no type of course, to consider giving up your child for a type of course yourself.