
7 Powerful Tricks Of The Successful Speaker Trade
Every one of us is unique. Every one of us has an amazing selling idea. Every one of us wants to share it with the world. But, not every one of us can do so effectively! What is it about some speakers that makes you want to hear them out? How is their presentation style so different from others? And most importantly, how can you too become as persuasive an orator as they are? Proficient and enthusiastic corporate professionals have so many compelling insights to share but fail to make others listen to them. Why does this happen? And how can you overcome this? Here is a list of factors that could be helpful in transforming yourself into a powerful speaker:
The Importance of Being a Good Listener
Well, let us start by decoding our own way of listening to others, maybe that will give a better idea regarding what anyone likes to listen to and why. Wouldn’t we like it if the speaker appreciates our opinions and gives equal value to our point of view as well? That is exactly what you have to do. It is necessary to reach out and ask for audience opinions and acknowledge their opinions and role in the conversation accordingly. The more valued your audience feels, the more they will listen.
Not Every Audience is the Same
What works in Miami might not work in Texas! It is crucial to understand the expectancy levels and psychographic make-up of your audience much before you start practicing your speech. Every audience is different and has a different listening style. It is important to do your homework way before you jump up on that stage and turn the situation awkward for everyone around.
I can Feel your Pain!
Your audience is not here to be a part of another meeting. Your speech content should offer them something of value. Your audience should feel like they’re receiving answers to their problems and not simply being a part of another presentation. Your success as a speaker depends highly on the level of emotional connect you develop with your audience.
Your Audience is Comprised of different Individuals
Your audience is comprised of different individuals who have different personalities and interests. So, you have a group of individuals who are all about emotional factors and another group who are better off with strictly practical solutions. Your job is to get your audience’s requirements in order and address every individual’s need, no matter how large the crowd be.
Be a Leader, not a Dictator!
Yes, I know that your ideas are good. And yes, I know that you mean well and just want to share it with everyone for their benefit as well. But, probably not everyone is willing to take up your advice. What you could do here is be less opinionated in your approach. You could present your idea as a worthy alternative that is up for trial for anybody who is interested. Providing this opportunity to participate will heighten your audience’s interest factor.
Who you know Speaks a lot about who you are
Your relationship and experience with reputed people and organizations can increase your audience’s interest multifold. The more eminent persons and institutes you know, the higher is your credibility. You could start your speech with an introduction detailing the influential people and organizations you’ve worked with.
Be who you are
I know that I’ve been talking about catering to the needs and styles of your audience. But, it is equally necessary to portray your individualism as well. When you are up there on the stage, do not forget your unique self and address the audience as per their needs, just to please them. You should keep your individual approach and fashion as well. Being genuine is a trait well appreciated.
Delivering powerful speeches and presentations does not come just like that. It takes time and adequate practice to hone one’s public speaking skills. If you want to be a successful amongst your audience, then I recommend incorporating the above points in your method for an effective communication.
Professional Speaker & Personal Brand Launcher – Michelle Villalobos