
5 Things You Didn’t Know About Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge
Samsung galaxy s6 edge consist of elegant look, classy interface, detailed camera and above all edge display. Most of you already have samsung s6 galaxy edge and probably enjoying it’s terrific features.
Samsung is finally caught up with wireless charging and fingerprint scanner with this smartphone. This make s6 more desirable to the people who just adore samsung products or even to those who never went for samsung before.
Obviously, edges of samsung s6 are eye pleasing and amazing in looks when somebody get hands on this smartphone. Still. There is lot more into it which you may quite not have knowledge about.
Here look at 5 things that samsung s6 does but you are may be still not familiar with :-
1. Friends on Edge : The edge is not just for a show off but it does contains lot of useful task to perform for the user. Put 5 most important people of your life in front and tagged them under the edge. Those who never used this feature go to settings > edge screen > people edge and add contacts. User can even change the numbers if he/she want later according to priorities.
2. Stay Updated : Keep yourself updated with the edge display. Track essential news, sports bulletin, weather forecast etc. it does not affect what you are doing on main screen. You can work on main display at the same time seek information of all over the globe from edge feature. Turn on this feature by heading towards settings > edge screen > information stream.
3. Split Screen : Both samsung s6 and s6 edge have split-screen function. This means, You can now use two apps together which implies that now watching video and writing message is much more easier than before. You also have option to divide the size of window as per your requirement.
4. Quick Launch of Camera : The camera quality of samsung galaxy s6 is top notch. as it has 16 megapixel main camera that increase the chances of getting more clearer image. Now, you can quickly launch the camera of mobile by simply tapping on home button twice. The camera will even get open if the main screen is locked.
5. Edge Lighting : Edge lighting is the best way to know when somebody important is calling. When you are in meeting or college, you just can’t pick everyone’s call. S6 edge indicates with different color when somebody important from your contact list ringing your phone. To enable this feature go to settings > edge screen > edge lighting.
From past several years, samsung has been proving its worth to customers effectively. Samsung s6 is one of the device that brought new innovations to smartphone world. Cost always remain a big factor when it comes to purchasing of this top quality devices. There are online stores dealwiki that are selling best quality Used Samsung Galaxy S6 Smartphone. Search online and get the device in good condition at cheap rates.